Thursday 3 November 2016


After having two exchange students , we finally have one that will stay with us.

Alice isn't an exchange student , she came from Iona school and college.

She has a fun and energetic personality , and is a great addition to our class!
Alice enjoys P.E and Tech a lot and she is a wonderful person to spend your lunch and morning tea's with!

Thursday 13 October 2016

First Electronics Technology - Photos

Today we were the first Technology class in electronics. Here is a photo

1st day at Electronics Technology

I need a torch in my emergency kit. I'm going to learn about simple circuits and use the Tech process to design and make one for my bedroom.

Monday 10 October 2016

Solo Hour In Nature

Today Room nine had to sit outside and either read , sketch , sleep or just think for 40 minutes. This is what I drew:

Monday 19 September 2016

Design Technology

Today in Design Technology we finished our van designs and evaluation , I just finished mine before the bell rang! It was really fun , I enjoyed Design Tech a lot.
This is my evaluation and van:

Thursday 1 September 2016

Reading Art

This Morning for reading , we read a chapter book as a class ( Boy Overboard ). We only read a chapter , and then we had to draw a picture in our books that we were visualizing from a part in that chapter!
Mine was when Jamal's nine year old sister came and scored a goal , and Jamal was very worried , as girls playing soccer was against the law , girls being outside with there face showing was against the law and if the government caught her , then Jamal's parents would be taken away!

Monday 29 August 2016


Last week , Mrs G created a puzzle for Room 9 to do , We had to colour in the inside of part of a block letter ( one A4 piece of paper each ) , and then drew patterns on the outside , we all found out that it looked better when the patterns were intricate!
There were numbers on each piece of paper so that we knew where to put our design on the wall. Once we had put them up , the big picture was two words , Ruma Iwa ( Ruma Iwa is Maori for room 9 )!
By Nina

Thursday 7 July 2016

Ice Cream Maths

Today since it was our second to last maths lesson for Term 2 , Miss Fisher gave us a homemade Ice-cream recipe.
        We had to convert percentages and decimals into fractions to find out how much of that ingredient to put in the ice-cream.
         The outcome of Mia , Renee and I's was delicious.
Here are some photo's:

Friday 13 May 2016

Homework - Letter to Ms Beaumont

This week's homework task was to write a letter to Ms Beaumont about a selection of healthy food options for the canteen, I did it with Abbie in Room 12. This is the letter :


Ms Beaumont (Principal)
Havelock North Intermediate
Nimon street

Nina Curran (Rm 9) and Abbie Tucker (Rm 12)
Havelock North Intermediate
Nimon street

Dear Ms Beaumont

For our homework We have decided to work together. We have come up with a list of healthy snacks we thought would be good for in the canteen , and other students would enjoy.We also thought about easy to make snacks. Some you might need to search and look at the recipes.we have thought of 20 ideas and put why we chose these. We hope you enjoy☆

  1. Fruit Kebabs
Yummy and easy to make, just stick some fruit on a stick and done.
  1. Smoothies
They are healthy and students look forward to having a drink other  than water sometimes

  1. healthy muffins
There are lots of different flavours you can make. You could replace the sugar in them with a natural sweetener (honey).. These will be a hit if you don't say they are made with natural sweetener.
  1. bliss balls
A yummy surprise.They are rolled in shredded coconut to add that yummy taste on the outside as well.
  1. homemade fruit juice

  1. Meat kebabs
Meat kebabs are a good idea for the canteen because they have a good source of protein and are delicious , plus they will keep the students full of energy for the rest of period 3
  1. cucumber , carrot , celery with onion dip
My mum makes these at my party and they go in about 10 minutes
  1. homemade fruit  ice-blocks
These are good for summer. A delicious cool treat.

  1. vegetable kebabs
Vegetable kebabs are healthy and delicious if you have cheese sauce with it.
  1. Healthy pancakes -w- healthy toppings
Healthy pancakes are a great idea for the canteen because they can be small enough to be sold to students at lunch and you can get an extra healthy boost if you use spelt flour instead of normal flour. Instead of using golden or maple syrup for toppings  , you can use greek yoghurt with blueberries , canadian maple syrup , strawberries and banana , canadian maple syrup and banana. The reason these toppings are a good Idea is because they are all healthy toppings,

  1. Potato salad.
It is yummy and healthy it is also a good choice for a lunch because it will give you energy.
  1. fruit salad
It is a yummy mixture of fruit and can be a good snack. You can do different mixtures e.g banana, apple, blueberries and kiwi fruit OR feijoas, oranges, apples and bananas
  1. chicken pita pockets
This choice is fulling and healthing. easy to make in advance and will keep fresh until lunch time.

  1. banana , peanut butter, sushi rolls
When we found these they looked really good and we wanted to grab them out of the screen and eat them. They are like a healthy treat and easy to could put 5 pieces in  a little pack because it is small
  1. carrot , cheese and crackers

  1. kale Chips
My Mum makes this at home and it's a hit. It's really crispy and tastes the best with salt. If you make these when you make them you put the salt on after you put them in the could serve in paper bags.      - Abbie

  1. Kumara chips
My Mum also makes these at home and are like the kale chips. They go crispy and are good with salt. You can serve in paper bags because they are a hit. -Abbie

  1. peanut and banana
Just easy to make and delicious. Good snack and very easy to make !
  1. Sushi burgers
At the Havelock North high school they have these ,and they sound really good. They are a good choice and you can make them any size. For fillings you could do salmon avocado and chicken.

  1. Banana Dippers    

We found these and thought they would be easy. They are just pieces of banana with peanut butter and  nuts on top.

So those are our 20 Idea's for the canteen , we really hope that these have helped and we will be excited to see if any of these end up on the canteen menu.

Thankyou for reading.

Yours sincerely ,
Nina and Abbie

Thursday 5 May 2016

Poppy Art

As part of our ANZAC inquiry , Room 9 have done some very unique poppy art.
First we ripped up lots of different colours of tissue paper and , then scrunched up a piece of a4 paper and died it either blue , yellow or purple and then we glued our tissue paper onto our died piece of paper.

Thursday 14 April 2016


Lately we have been working on our ANZAC raps. I did mine with Eva , Amy and Ruby W. It was really fun , I had no idea rapping was so cool. We all helped with each paragraph and completed on Wednesday. This is Our rap.


listen up here I have something to say, and ya better respect it cuz it’s anzac day.

Let me tell you the time of the ANZAC war, where soldiers fought and died real sore.

 Rats infectin’  the soldiers trenches.

The gas invades you as the bullets shoot, and the gas is worse than your brother’s after curry.

They’re away from family for months on end,
Letters’re the only things they used to send.

With dogs as companions, and rats as pests, the food was raw, and becoming less.

100 years ago our soldiers died, and every year we remember the time.

Struggling through conditions they were mostly cold, with uncomfortable beds, every moment they fall

As you can see war ain't so sweet,
So put on a poppy and walk down the street,

In the moment of silence listen to the rhythm of our feet
                            Lest we forget.  


Room 9 have just finished our soldiers tale , We had to plan what it would feel like to be in the war and what it would sound and look like, and then we had to follow step by step instructions on what to write and how many lines you have to fill. This is mine:


As I was close to dying, I saw something that only a soldier from war could see , traumatized , frightened , innocent men holding guns and red bandages , who have fought for not only their country but there family.
I was trying to march away bravely from the front line , trying not to yell , nor cry.
It  was to hard, I was walking away from bombs , explosions , yells of pain.
I was walking away from dying soldiers.
There was a great pain inside of me ……. Guilt.

We are walking to , well I don’t even know anymore and it more like stumbling than walking.
We all now enjoy cuts, well at least way more than bullet holes.
We are all very lucky if we get away with a cut or a bruises.
Most of us worry over Trench foot or bullet holes or even tics , we consider tics more like tigers really, tics to us are deadly.
We all look worse than the battlefield itself but it does not compare to  our shell shocked minds.

Orders are shouted , but I can’t hear them ,  I don’t know where the other soldiers went,  Suddenly a horrible gas surrounds me.

We are all exhausted , however we gather all the speed in us and slip on our gas masks.
I thought we were all safe until I heard the screams of an innocent man who has been too slow.
You can tell by his hoarse yells that the gas has crept into his lungs , he is struggling.
But there is nothing any of us can do, he is Dying , suffering ….. Dead.
Dead with all the others who have been too slow.

The gas is thick now a green disgusting colour , it is hard to see anyone.
So I decided to crawl one way and avoid the thicker gas up above.
However just about every minute you hear a croaky voice yelling for help as he breathes in the gas , as he struggles for air.

My conrad came rushing towards me , begging for help.
But there was nothing I could do, he was coughing , choking ….. Dying.
What was I supposed to do? After we escaped from the gas I never forgave myself for leaving him.
I should have died with him.

I am so disgusted in what I have just seen and heard, Can you imagine walking behind an old wagon , watching the men dying. And crying out for their mother’s , wife’s , … Family’s. They are all covered in blood , whether it is from bullet holes or shelling , or gas.The dying soldiers are covered in not only blood but dirt and diseases. War hasn’t been kind to any soldier.

Imagine what it is like to see your conrad , lying on the wagon with his eyes staring right at you , tears trickling down his face , his eyeballs are rolled back , and at every bump on the uneven road you’re conrad will spew up a mixture of blood and mucus. The Mucus and blood stream onto the road and you are forced to walk all over it.

The memories of these four years are the worst kind of memories you would be forced to Remember.
These memories are of men suffering from trench foot , men struggling from gas , men crying from bullets , men exploding from shelling ,......... Men dying from war.
If I had a penny for every time I saw a Man yelling for there mother’s or wife’s then I would have enough money to buy our country.

Thursday 7 April 2016


Today we created some ANZAC art. What we had to do was get a picture off the internet , cut out the silouhette of the picture , you then glue it on a piece of black paper , and then you cut it out again and put the black side on the white paper and the outside of the black that you have cut out on a white piece of paper as well. The finishing product looks like this :

Thursday 31 March 2016

Maori Pastell Art

For Kotahitanga week not only had we made a maori cardboard instrument ( porotiti ) , and the Pou Whenua , but we have also done some Maori Art using Pastel. First we chose a maori object , like the maori fish hook , or the dragon of protection. I chose the Fish Hook. Then we drew squigly lines over it and afterwards went over it in black Pastell. However before the black outline we drew coulour-ful patterns in it.
This is mine:

PE With RM 12b

Today Rm 9 and Rm 12b had PE together ,
 we played capture the Rugby Ball , I was on defence.
They won fair and square by 1 very important point ,
 however next time we vs them, we will be ready.

Thursday 24 March 2016

WALT: write three purposes for one topic using the acronym PIE
We had to create a poster with an Authors Purpose , this is mine.

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Gold Book Goals for term 1 & 2

My gold book goal for terms 1 and 2 is..........  get at least 5 points for Cultural and Sports , and I have to do at least 2 community services. + get at least 7 points in school service.

I will achieve this by........ devoting at least 3 of my own afternoons to community service , work hard in my culture and sports.

By the end of yr 8 I hope to have achieved .... Honours badge.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

This is our Identity Collage , It was really fun to make. First we had Miss Fisher take a photo of the side of our head and shoulder , then we printed out the photo , turned it over and traced the silhouette. The magazines we all brought in had a lot of cool things we could cut out and stick into our printed out faces. After that we cut out the silhouette we had drawn on the back and stuck it onto a black piece of paper.

Friday 19 February 2016

 Sun Safe

 Today we learnt about being sun safe , and we got new school hats.

My goal in reading is : to read 5 or more books this term
To acheive this I need to : go to the library and make time to read
People that can help me acheive this : my Mum ,my Brother and Miss Fisher

My goal in maths is to move past national standard by the end of the year
To achieve this I need to , focus on my maths at school and don't get distracted.
People that can help me achieve this: Miss Fisher.

Science Tech on Monday, 1st session of the year.
Learning about nucleation with the mentos in the bottle of coke.

Thursday 18 February 2016

Cybersafety - Patty

WALT : Understand that what you say online affects others.