Thursday 14 April 2016


Lately we have been working on our ANZAC raps. I did mine with Eva , Amy and Ruby W. It was really fun , I had no idea rapping was so cool. We all helped with each paragraph and completed on Wednesday. This is Our rap.


listen up here I have something to say, and ya better respect it cuz it’s anzac day.

Let me tell you the time of the ANZAC war, where soldiers fought and died real sore.

 Rats infectin’  the soldiers trenches.

The gas invades you as the bullets shoot, and the gas is worse than your brother’s after curry.

They’re away from family for months on end,
Letters’re the only things they used to send.

With dogs as companions, and rats as pests, the food was raw, and becoming less.

100 years ago our soldiers died, and every year we remember the time.

Struggling through conditions they were mostly cold, with uncomfortable beds, every moment they fall

As you can see war ain't so sweet,
So put on a poppy and walk down the street,

In the moment of silence listen to the rhythm of our feet
                            Lest we forget.  


  1. Well done Nina! It looks like you worked really hard.

  2. Very Cool Nina!

  3. That is one awesome rap! that is what i want to hear on the radio! it's my new jam! (and charlottes)
